How Slumber saw 14% uplift in Skio Subscriptions with Relo

Increase OTP to subscription
Performing Klaviyo Flow
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Lolahemp uses the following tools :

Relo integrates with all modern Shopify Subscription apps, including Recharge, Skio, Yotpo Subscriptions and Smartrr. Please email us here if you have a question about any other subscription software you work with.

About Slumber

Slumber are the pioneers behind CBN, a hemp-derived melatonin alternative which promotes rest, relaxation, and sleep.

The Problem

A key focus for Slumber was to increase their online subscribers, as the product really lends itself to a habitual usage and this was a core part of their overall eCommerce strategy. As with many eCommerce brands, Slumber has really focused their eCommerce business on repeatable monthly revenue from subscriptions - allowing them to invest heavily in growing their entire operation. However, after looking at their customer journey, they came to see that only a small percentage of their customers who had ordered OTP (one-time purchase) had gone on to become subscribers, which provided both a large problem and opportunity to improve.

If Slumber were able to capture even a small percentage of those OTP's to become product subscribers, it would add an entirely new recurring revenue stream and reduce the heavy acquisition costs associated with acquiring a subscriber on their first order. This is where Relo teamed up with Slumber to overcome the issues with identifying and targeting those customers ready for a subscription, and making the transition easy.

"Relo overdelivered! Our team has been manually sending campaigns and promos to customers to get them to subscribe; however, Relo's tech converted 3x better, running 100% in the background and generating revenue. "

Alec Tremaine, CRO at Slumber, commenting on the problems faced prior to Relo

How Slumber solved this using Relo

The first step was to discover exactly which customers were ready to move to a subscription. This would usually have been a very lengthly, manual, and complex step involving data science to define what we thought customers would do next. With Relo, this took minutes.

Slumber integrated Relo to their Shopify store to create a targetable list of customers that were ready to move from their OTP's to a subscription in the next 30-days (Note - Relo integrates with all modern Shopify Subscription apps, including Recharge, Skio, Yotpo Subscriptions and Smartrr. Please email us here if you have a question about any other subscription software you work with). Relo uses logic like which products have been ordered, in which volume, over which timeframe, and how that aligns with what other "lookalike" audiences have done before.

"We love to see Relo in our clients tech stack! The month on month results speak for themselves. They’re the best in the business when it comes to growing subscription programs."

Anthony Ridley, CEO at Transparent Digital

Here is an example of how those customer predictions looked for Slumber (Anonymised). Within minutes, they had a really specific list of who's ready to target, when, and with which product:

Syncing the data to Klaviyo

However, once we have that list - what next? To make this audience as actionable as possible, Relo then seamlessly feeds that data into your Klaviyo flow's as a dynamic trigger - firing the SMS and email flow at the exact right time a customer is ready to try a subscription. Within a few clicks, Slumber had all of that data flowing into their Klaviyo account with a whole new "upgrade to subscription" flow:

"Knowing what a customer needs and wants at the exact time for your entire customer base is impossible - until we found Relo. We generated a 3x ROAS on our investment with Relo in only 2 week - could not be happier."

Alec Tremaine, CRO at Slumber, commenting on the problems faced prior to Relo

Better conversion with Magic Cart

Once Slumber had highlighted which customers were ready to try a subscription and connected that data to Klaviyo - the last step was conversion to subscription. The previously clunky experience where customers were taken from a CTA in a Klaviyo email, through to a product page, to a cart page and then an empty checkout wouldn't cut it here.

The last step in the journey is the where Relo's secret weapon comes into play - the Magic Cart. Magic Cart is a mobile optimised personalised cart-page that allows customers to easily convert to a subscription in 2-clicks. The Magic Cart is:

  1. Mobile first
  2. Pre loaded with a recommended subscription frequency based on their OTP order history
  3. Personalized with add-on product recommendations
  4. Connected to a pre-loaded Shopify checkout
  5. Customized in a few clicks to your brand

For Slumber this meant that within every email CTA that Relo was powering, they could embed a Magic Cart Link for easy conversion straight to subscription. In this instance, let's have a look at this customers (Derek) Magic Cart link after they click on the CTA in the email:

When the customer clicks on the "subscribe now" CTA above, they would be taken to their Magic Cart here:

"Relo is like having a designated employee looking for additional subscription revenue working 24/7."

Alec Tremaine, CRO at Slumber

The results

By implementing Relo, Slumber were able to increase the amount of new subscribers gained from OTP's by 9%! The combination of prediction which customers were ready, syncing that data to Klaviyo, and converting to subscription via Magic Cart helped supercharge recurring revenue with almost no time investment required from their side.

The results were so impactful across the business, that Relo's Upgrade to Subscription flow has become one of Slumber's top performing Klaviyo flows.

To recap, the core KPI's Slumber was able to move by combining Relo with their subscription set-up:

  1. Increased OTP to subscription by 14%
  2. Top performing Klaviyo flow
  3. 12x ROI
"Relo not only generated revenue and surpassed our team's ROAS goal, but Relo's teams were responsive and made the onboarding so smooth - one of the best Ecom SAAS product teams we have worked with."

Alec Tremaine, CRO at Slumber

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